Help for the Fireplace Shopper

The Best Wood to Burn in Your Chiminea

Monday, December 01, 2008 Posted by Stephanie H.
Are you one of the numerous people that have purchased a chiminea for your backyard? Are you wondering what kind of wood to burn in your chiminea? A dry, seasoned hardwood is best. This means the wood should be allowed to dry under a cover for a minimum of 12 months after it has been split and stacked. Normal fireplace logs are too large to accommodate most chimineas so you will either need to cut the logs yourself (and season it) or buy pre-cut wood. A good size range is between 9 and 14 inches in length and 4 inches in diameter. This may vary depending on the size of the chiminea mouth.

Two favorite woods of chiminea owners are pinion pine (also spelled pinyon) and alligator juniper. The most widely used is the pinion pine. It has a pleasant pine aroma which helps to repel mosquitoes and other flying insects. It also is easy to light, keeps an active flame, produces good heat, and leaves very little ash to clean up. The alligator juniper has a lovely cedar aroma when burning and has a tendency to crackle and pop. It is easy to light and provides a cheerful fire with very little smoke.

Other woods may be used when grilling. Hickory works well if you want a great smoky bacon flavor for your meat. Mesquite is a natural way to spice up most meats with a strong earthy flavor. It is sweeter and more delicate than hickory.

Remember, the most important factor when purchasing wood for your chiminea is to buy seasoned wood. It will burn cleaner and safer for you and your family.

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